Doubter shows exactly why JW have poor policies and culture re. the handling of child abuse:
- They seem to care more about defending their org than about the victims.
- They don't really want to cooperate with any initiative that may improve the handling of abuse cases (if such would be necessary).
- They think nothing is the org is ever wrong.
- They think something can't be true unless proven in court.
- They are quick to deny any moral responsibility for anything that happens within their community.
Doubter continues to act as if an independent inquiry that will show whether or not JW policies were/are adequate, and JW culture was/is healthy, and whether JW did/do protect children and abuse victims adequately is the worst thing ever.
Such an inquiry is not a conviction, nor is it a criminal investigation.
It is an opportunity to improve.
One might liken it to a shepherding visit: even if you think you're spiritual strong and healthy, it can still be beneficial.
But we already told Doubter all that several times. He just doesn't want to hear it.
And when the results from the Dutch inquiry come in, and it shows JW policies and practices are excellent, Doubter will say "told you so" and we'll just be happy that JW children are safe after all, and that the rest of society can learn from JW's excellent example.
And if the results show that JW policies re child abuse were or are not very good, Doubter will deny it and claim persecution, or say that other groups also failed the children (which they did, admitted, and try to correct), or claim that back in the 80s the standards weren't so high (which is rather strange for people whose morals are set by God himself).
Ah well....what can we do. Doubter insists on being here. Apparently he doesn't like JW spiritual food too much anymore?